What You Need to Do if Your CDL is Suspended
Wed Feb 05 2025
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The Illinois Controlled Substance Trafficking Act states it's illegal for anyone to transport dangerous drugs into Illinois. Further, under the Federal Controlled Substances Act, drug trafficking is against the law in the United States. Although federal laws use the words “trafficking” and “distribution” synonymously, Illinois defines both separately and so, charges both criminal charges as separate drug charges. For instance, in Illinois, the distribution of illegal drugs refers to the actual act of exchanging drugs between the seller to the buyer. Drug trafficking, on the flip side, is the interstate transportation of narcotic drugs.
To challenge drug trafficking crimes, you need a reputable Lake County criminal defense lawyer who can fiercely defend your legal rights. The experienced lawyers at Ktenas Law have represented thousands of people facing drug crimes and are familiar with federal and state drug laws. Our experienced Chicago drug lawyers can help you come up with potential defenses to lessen your legal consequences. For a no-cost initial legal consultation on your drug trafficking case, call Ktenas Law now at (312)-756-8652.
Typically, Illinois drug laws are meant to keep illegal drugs out of the state by cracking down on international drug cartels and large multi-state drug rings. Anyone arrested for drug trafficking anywhere in Illinois is often also charged with drug possession with the intention to distribute or drug distribution. If you're facing a drug crime charge, contact the seasoned Chicago drug crime lawyers at Ktenas Law right away.
In Illinois, drug crimes are tried in the Circuit Court in the county where you committed the drug offense. The State’s Attorney’s Office tries drug offenders. After an arrest, any Controlled substances or drug paraphernalia is taken hold of as evidence to be used at a criminal trial, the prosecution will attempt to find witnesses to incriminate you, and anything you say will be recorded and may be used against you at a court trial.
In Illinois, trafficking charges apply when a person is involved in the export or import of counterfeit drugs in or out of Illinois. To find you guilty of drug peddling, the solicitor must demonstrate that the person deliberately purchased or arranged the transport of illegal drugs in and out of Illinois.
If you're charged with drug trafficking charges, the criminal court is mandated by the drug laws in Illinois to sentence you to imprisonment for a period that isn't greater than twice the minimum sentence and not over twice the maximum jail term assigned for trafficking, manufacture, and possession of drugs with intent to distribute. The incarceration prison term assigned for manufacture, trafficking, and possession of drugs with the intention to distribute varies depending on the kind and amount of the illegal substance. A seasoned Chicago drug crimes defense lawyer at Ktenas Law has the skills and expertise to help you fight any drug trafficking offenses you may face. The criminal penalties for drug distribution and trafficking include:
Drug trafficking of heroin, morphine, fentanyl, and LSD is punishable with a prison sentence of 6-30 years for 15-100 grams; 9-40 yrs in jail for 100-400 grams; 12-50 yrs for 400-900 grams, and 15-60 yrs in prison for more than 900 grams
Trafficking of peyote, barbiturates, and amphetamines is punishable by 6-30 yrs in jail for over 200 grams
Trafficking of PCP, hydrocodone, ketamine, oxycodone, opiates, and other Schedule 1 and 2 illegal drugs is punishable with a minimum term of 6 years and a maximum term of 30 years for trafficking of over 30 grams
Certain illegal substances in the Class X Felony category, including heroin, are punishable with hefty fines ranging between $500,000 or the full street value of the illegal drug you're trafficking.
Heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine are punishable by a minimum term of 4 years and a maximum term of 15 years in jail for amounts of illegal narcotics ranging between 1 and 15 grams.
Peyote, amphetamines, and barbiturates carry 4-15 yrs in jail for 50-200 grams
LSD is punishable with 4-15 yrs in prison for trafficking of 5-15 grams
Pentazocine, PCP, ketamine, and methaqualone are punishable with 4-15 years in jail for 10-30 grams
Oxycodone, hydrocodone, and other schedules I and II substances are punishable with 4-15 years in prison for 50-100 grams
Other Narcotics, including amphetamine, LSD analogs, fentanyl, and BZP carry 3-7 yrs in prison for amounts that are less than those spelled out for Class 1 Felony counts, and a maximum of $200,000 in fines.
Schedule 3, 4, or 5 Drugs carry 2-5 yrs in jail with steep fines varying between $75,000 and $150,000 based on the kind of narcotic.
In addition, the use of cell phones to further the drug trafficking scheme is charged as a Class 2 felony offense, which carries a maximum fine of $100,000.
If you're facing drug trafficking charges or any other drug-related charges, you may be subject to harsher penalties, including a lengthy prison sentence, long-term probation, steep fines, court fees, and lasting legal consequences on your criminal record. So, it's vital to contact us at Ktenas Law, who can protect your constitutional rights while negotiating for a lesser sentence and reduced criminal charges, including probation. For a no-cost consultation with an experienced drug trafficking attorney, call our criminal defense law firm now at (312)-756-8652.
Wed Feb 05 2025
Tue Jan 07 2025